For everyone who hasn't had a chance to read the report from the High School Advisory Committee, it is now easily available for a small fee. Here's the message from Betsy Greaney:
Copies of the High School Advisory Committee’s comprehensive report “Assuring the Promise. ..A Case Statement & Feasibility Study for Saints Peter and Paul High School and The Future of Catholic Secondary Education for Maryland’s Mid-Shore” that was presented to the Diocese earlier this year is available at Mail Boxes, Etc. on 210 Marlboro Avenue in Easton MD. To obtain a copy please call 410-822-0020 or email Mail Boxes Etc. The copying cost is $6.00. Thank you.

UPDATE: I managed to get the report up online as well. It's available through Scribd, here at this link, I understand that some people have had difficulties accessing this website, but if you can take advantage of it, please do.