Last Minute Requests

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Please post any last minute questions you have for tomorrow's meeting. I will try to print them out and get people to ask them.

Please think this through, read what others have posted and either reiterate or post something relevant. Thank you,


Anonymous said...

I have three comments:
1. Do they not realize the effect on the elementary school this will have? I would NEVER have sent my kids to the elementary school if the high school was not an option. If the high school closes, I will be pulling out of the elementary school.

2. Why did it take ten years for this problem to be addressed?

3. New pastor = problem solved. This man has alienated HUNDREDS of parishioners over his decade of malevolence. ANYONE would be an improvement.

Anonymous said...

It seems the elementary school enrollment is at peak, yet the high school loses many students because of higher tuition costs. Wouldn't it make sense to lower the high school tuition cost and keep enrollment numbers at peak and money coming in?

Bill Henley said...

The High School faced a similar problem when Father Jennings was Pastor. How was he able to overcome this problem but somehow now we can't?

Alexis said...

Due to the way the Q&A was conducted:
Please submit your questions to The Parish, The High School and Superintendent Catherine Weaver. The addresses will be posted and I have been told by various authority figures that filling the mailboxes with ideas is the best way to be heard.
Please post ideas if you have them, but let's avoid mudslinging and keep things both pro-active and effective.

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