Thanks to everyone who attended the information meeting. It was heated and there were a lot of ideas and questions thrown out. One thing is intensely clear, it is up to us as a community to save this school.
That being said, now we must start brainstorming and in a hurry!
If you have ideas on how to raise money, fundraise, save the school... ideas used at other locations, in other churches/parishes/schools/businesses... please post them!
Not only should you share them (best if numbered, bullet points or short sentences) but also send letters to the Superintendent Catherine Weaver, The Parish and the High School.
Their addresses are available at the SSPP WEBSITE as well as the SAVE SSPP HS website. We have them posted on this site for the most part, as well.
The more we brainstorm the better.
Let's keep in mind that the questions that weren't answered tonight CAN be answered by writing the people in charge as well as keeping up as a group. We need to stay united and bring what we have to the table!
Thanks for your participation,
Alexis Morrell Class of '03
How did the school get to this point? I only ask because it would be helpful to know so the school doesn't repeat the same mistakes if it gets back on its feet. And can you give a little more detail about what questions were asked at the meeting (because I know everyone had quite a few) and what answeres were given?
RE: (To Melissa)
I'm an alumn from the class of 2001 and attended the meeting last night. It was ridiculous. There were a lot of excellent questions presented regarding past spending but no answers were given. The Fiscal Committee successfully dodged every one and often relied on their default phrase, "Those are good suggestions and should be submitted formally, in writing, to the Committee." It was, however, made abundantly clear that maintenance of the high school has never been a top priority. (Evidently, that position is reserved for the ostentatious monstrosity that we now recognize as Sts. Peter & Paul Parish. I need not even mention the "Family Life Center" that was recently in the works as well...)
To Melissa and all who have questions-
I will be contacting the Parish for a transcript so you can hear all questions that were asked.
To Everyone-
A lot of people are upset about how the meeting went- but please understand that us showing up in such a MASS FORM is a great first step to being recognized and saving the school. We need to put the way the Q&A was handled behind us and focus on getting those questions answered in print--which actually will be more beneficial.
Everyone who was at the meeting knows it was dramatic, and feel free to relay that information to people who weren't, but let's make sure it doesn't come off as a defeatist attitude towards the finale result. Even when the comments aren't meant as such, they can come off that way when posted over and over. Let's not let their misconduct affect our mission! SAVE SSPP HS!
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